Our aim is to offer a personal service to our Landlord clients, giving the necessary degree of skill, care, experience and time, in order to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes often made in letting and managing property.
We offer three levels of Letting and Property Management service:-
LET ONLY: we market the property, find a tenant, reference the tenant, prepare and agree the Tenancy Agreement, collect the first month’s rent and a security deposit from the tenant, prepare our account deduct our fee and send the rent balance by BACS transfer to your bank account.
LET & COLLECT THE RENT: we market the property, find a tenant, reference the tenant, prepare and agree the Tenancy Agreement, collect the first month’s rent and a security deposit from the tenant, prepare our account for the initial letting of the property, deduct our fee and send the rent balance by BACS transfer to your bank account. Thereafter we collect the monthly rent, doing what is necessary to ensure prompt payment, prepare our monthly account for rent collection and send the rent balance by BACS transfer to your bank account.
LET & FULL MANAGEMENT: we market the property, find a tenant, reference the tenant, prepare and agree the Tenancy Agreement, collect the first month’s rent and a security deposit from the tenant, prepare our account for the initial letting of the property, deduct our fee and send the rent balance by BACS transfer to your bank account. Thereafter we collect the monthly rent, doing what is necessary to ensure prompt payment, prepare our monthly account for managing the property and send the rent balance by BACS transfer to your bank account. In addition we inspect the property on a pre-agreed basis during the tenancy, deal with tenants’ enquiries, carry out repairs to the property in liaison with you, and inspect the property at the end of tenancy.
A more detailed breakdown of our activities in letting and managing your property might include:-
- Advising you, if appropriate, on what furniture to leave in the property.
- Advising you on your responsibilities as a Landlord under the proposed Tenancy Agreement.
- Issuing you with guidelines on the following regulations which you, as Landlord, must comply with:
- The Fire and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1998, as amended.
- The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations, as amended.
- Arranging an Energy Performance Certificate, if there isn’t one in place.
- Adding the details of your property to our Letting List for distribution to interested parties.
- Advertising the property widely on multiple internet property websites including Rightmove.
- Accompanying prospective tenants to view the property unless otherwise instructed.
- Advising you as soon as we receive a formal application for a Tenancy.
- Dealing with any applications and taking up references on prospective tenants (and guarantors) through a Referencing Agency.
- If required, arranging an Inventory & Schedule of Condition.
- Preparing and arranging for the completion of our standard Tenancy Agreement.
- Countersigning agreements on your behalf, upon collection of the first month’s rent and deposit.
- Submitting copies of legal documents to your Building Society if required.
- Collecting the agreed deposit from your Tenant, and the first payment of rent due under the Tenancy. The deposit will be banked in our Clients Money Deposit Account. This deposit is safeguarded under the Tenancy Deposit Scheme as administered by The Dispute Service Ltd.
- Completing a standing order mandate with the tenant, for future rent payments.
- Registering the Tenancy under the Tenancy Deposit Scheme.
If we are letting and managing your property we will also:-
- Write to the local Council, local water authority, and the utility providers advising them of the change of occupancy, giving meter readings as appropriate. At the end of the tenancy we will repeat the procedure, giving the forwarding addresses for the previous tenants to settle final accounts.
- Demand and collecting the rent.
- Transfer promptly the net rent by BACS to your bank account.
- Be responsible for the day to day management of your property, which may involve arranging for general repairs or maintenance to be carried out, subject to an agreed limit.
- Carry out an inspection after the first three months of a tenancy to a new tenant and thereafter carry out property visits on a regular basis for the duration of each tenancy.
- At the end of the tenancy, check the Inventory & Schedule of Condition to assess whether the property is, in our opinion, in a reasonable state of repair, subject to fair wear and tear. If necessary, make deductions from the deposit to cover the tenants’ share of the costs for repair or replacement and if instructed to do so, make arrangements for any cleaning etc to be carried out.
- Return the deposit in accordance with the Tenancy Deposit Scheme, to the tenant at the end of the tenancy when they vacate the property provided that they have complied with the terms of their tenancy, the condition of the property is satisfactory and that the items listed in the Inventory & Schedule of Condition are satisfactory.
- Please contact us by telephone or e-mail if you would like us to appraise your property for letting, and to discuss how best we can match our services to your needs